Factsheets FORI
1. Afdi & UNAPOB in Burkina Faso
Agroecological innovations based on endogenous knowledge for the development of the onion value chain in Burkina Faso
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2. Afdi & CNOP - UNCPM in Mali
Improving farmers' vegetable seed production through innovative agroecological practices in Mali
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3. Asprodeb & AJAC in Senegal
Promotion du riz paysan nutritif dans les territoires de la Casamance au Sénégal
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4. Afdi & CNOP-CAM in Cameroun
Projet de recherche-action pour l’accroissement de la productivité, la rentabilité et la résilience de l’élevage agro écologique du poulet local dans les régions du Centre et de l’Adamaoua au Cameroun
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5. CSA & CAPAD in Burundi
Strengthening action-research and innovation on agroecology for improving food systems among family farmers in the Imbo region
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6. CSA & LOFEPACO in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Participatory innovation for developing agroecological practices in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
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7. Fert & Ceffel - Fifata in Madagascar
Inclusive action-research for an agroecological transition of vegetable crops in the highlands of Madagascar
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8. We Effect & MVIWAARUSHA - TARI in Tanzania
Improving productivity and profitability of sunflower value chain by enhancing women’s participation in Arusha Region of Tanzania
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9. FFD & TTGAU - NADO in Tanzania
Building resilience with trees and codeveloping methods for experimenting at farm level
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10. We Effect & FARMCOOP in the Philippines
Saving the Banana Farms from Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Tropical Race 4 Disease through Agroecology in Mindanao, Philippines (Saving Bananas)
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11.2 PIFON in the Solomon Islands
Pacific Breadfruit Project - Kastom Gaden Association
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12. UPA DI & UCOCAB in Haiti
Diversification de la production agroforestière de la zone de Baptiste et production de fertilisants organiques
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13. Infocos & Red Ecovida in Brazil & Uruguay
Co-innovación socio-productiva liderada por Productores Agroecologicos de Brasil y Uruguay
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