Association sénégalaise pour la promotion du développement à la base
History and Mandate
Established in 1995, Asprodeb (Senegalese Association for the Promotion of Development at grass roots level) aims to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of families and rural populations through activities, essential for the achievement of the national agricultural and sustainable rural development objectives.
Asprodeb’s mission is to support the national federations of farmers’ organisations (FOs) and other FO organisations at regional and local level in the implementation of programmes negotiated with the State and development partners, and also with FO national federations from countries in West Africa on the basis of their requests and accepted programmes.
Asprodeb provides the national federations and all the components of the small farmers’ movement with the technical and professional support and advice required for the implementation of the economic programmes of the FOs and for those with which they are associated. It assists the federations by providing them with information, advice and support in order to promote greater professionalism in the provision of the services they offer to their members.
Lastly, Asprodeb manages, on behalf of the CNCR (National Council for Rural Cooperation) of the Senegal federations and FOs, the financial resources intended for the implementation of the development programmes negotiated.
Vision and Approach
Asprodeb wants to contribute to a sustainable social and environmental economic development of the Senegalese rural world based on efficient and professionally-organised family farms. Asprodeb's approach is based around the construction of a dynamic and transparent partnership with stakeholders in value chains, namely: agri-food research institutions, agricultural training organisations, banks, the industrial processing sector, the marketing sector, public services in the agricultural sector, etc.

lot CICES Villa N° 58, Dakar 03801, Senegal
Tél: + 221 33 869 60 00