The overall objective is to increase income and to improve livelihood, food and nutrition security and safety of family farmers, affiliated to targeted FOs within Latin America.
The AgriCord Alliance is implementing its sub-programme with the financial support of the European Union (EU) with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) as technical and administrative managing entity.
A key programme partner in this region is the Confederación de Organizaciones de Productores Familiares del Mercosur (COPROFAM), which manages its own sub-programme within the FO4LA umbrella.
AgriCord's sub-programme "FO4LA" consists of 9 projects across Latin America. The projects are implemented by member agri-agencies and trusted Farmer Organisations on the national, subnational and local level ranging from country-wide federations to primary producer cooperatives.
The programme aims to 1) improve FOs' and farmer-led enterprises technical and economic services along the value chains; 2) enable FOs' policy and business environments for the transformation of family farming and the development of sustainable, adaptive economic initiatives and farmer-led enterprises; and 3) strengthen FOs as accountable organisations.

Implementation Period:
12/2021 - 06/2023
Countries of implementation:
Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru
Contract and Donors:
Grant° 2000003711 (IFAD - AgriCord)
Financed by the European Union (EU)
Global technical management and administration: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Total Budget: EUR 965.000
Implementing member agri-agencies:
Acodea (Spain), Infocos (Brazil), Trias (Belgium), UPA DI (Canada)