Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas
History and Mandate
Asiadhrra (Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia) was formally established in 1994 as a network of national social development networks and organisations. The AsiaDHRRA secretariat has been based in Manila since 1999. The regional membership-based partnership covers 11 Asian nations - Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. Network operations are steered by an active AsiaDHRRA leadership, a General Assembly and a Council of Elders. The AFA Asian Farmers Association for Sustainable Rural Development mandated AsiaDHRRA to be part of AgriCord in 2011.
AsiaDHRRA envisions Asian organised rural communities that are just, free, prosperous, living in peace and working in solidarity towards self-reliance. It seeks to improveme the socio-economic well-being of members of rural people’s organisations in Asia.
AsiaDHRRA aims to fullfill the following roles:
- Promoter and catalyst of partnership relations, creating opportunities for genuine people-to-people dialogue and exchange;
- Facilitator of human resource development processes in the rural areas; and
- Mobilizer of expertise & opportunities for the strengthening of solidarity and kinship among Asian rural communities.

Room 201 Partnership Center
59 C. Salvador St., Loyola Heights 1108,
Quezon City, Philippines