This programme contributes to the agricultural transformation towards more resilient and inclusive food systems. Farmers' organisations as part of civil society must be key actors in shaping current food into systems fit for tomorrow.
AgriCord's member agri-agencies provide advisory services and facilitate peer-to-peer exchanges to capacitate farmers' organisations to become strong and performant organisations capable of driving the needed changes.
The AgriCord alliance administrates this programme with the financial support of the The German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). FOFS program is part of the global programme StäBo, which focuses on working with national, regional and global farmers‘ organisations. Important partners in the implementation of the project along AgriCord are the Andreas Hermes Akademie (AHA), the Deutsche LandFrauenverband e.V. (dlv), BBV-Landfrauen Internationale Zusam menarbeit GmbH (BBV-LIZ), the PanAfrican Farmers‘ Organisation (PAFO) and the Intercontinental Network of Organic Farmers‘ Associations (INOFO).

The programme consists of five (5) projects in Africa implemented by six (6) agri-agencies in collaboration with farmers' organisations on the national, subnational and local level.
Implementation started in January 2024, and the virtual launch event of the programme was celebrated in March 2024.

Grant Period :
01/2023 - 12/2026
Countries of implementation :
Burkina Faso, Kenya, Cameroun, Madagascar, Uganda
Contract and Donors :
Agreement n°81292653
Financed by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Total Budget : 2 500 000 EUR
Implementing Agri-Agencies :
Afdi (France), Asprodeb (Senegal), CSA (Belgium), Fert (France), FFD (Finland), and Trias (Belgium).
Partnering Farmers' Organisations:
FIFATA, Réseau Soa, (Madagascar), ROPPA (West Africa), PROPAC (Central Africa), CPF (Burkina Faso), ZODFA, HODFA, MADFA, Tunado (Uganda) and NACCU (Kenya)