The overall objective of the Farmers' Organisations for Asia (FO4A) is to increase income and to improve livelihood, food and nutrition security and safety of smallholders and family farmers in the target areas within the Asia region.
The Alliance is administering its part of the programme with the financial support of the European Union (EU) and with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) as administrative and technical management entity.
A key programme partner in this region is the Asian Farmers Association (AFA), which manages its own sub-programme within the FO4A umbrella.

The AgriCord Alliance manages 20 projects as part of its sub-programme in South-East Asia. The projects are implemented by seven (7) of our member agri-agencies, in partnership with farmer organisations at various levels, including country-wide federations (such as AgriCooPh in the Philippines) to primary producer cooperatives.
The programme tries to 1) improve FO technical and economic services along the value chains, in particularly for youth and women; 2) strengthen FO capacities to influence policies and business environments, in particularly in support of youth and women; and 3) strengthen FOs as accountable organisations.

Implementation Period:
10 / 2021 – 06 / 2025
Countries of implementation:
Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam
Contract and Donors:
Grant° 2000003703 (IFAD - AgriCord)
Financed by the European Union (EU)
Global technical management and administration: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Total Budget: EUR 3.500.000
Implementing member agri-agencies:
Afdi (France), AsiaDHRRA (the Philippines) CSA (Belgium), FFD (Finland), Trias (Belgium), UPA DI (Canada), We Effect (Sweden)