
The AgriCord alliance operates as a network and manages a multi donor envelope of programmes implemented by agri-agencies and farmers’ organisations and farmer led cooperatives.
The agri-agencies cooperate with farmers’ organisations in over 30 countries in Africa, South East Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and the Pacific regions for their organisational development - to improve their services to farmers, to run their economic businesses in a more resilient, efficient, sustainable and transparent way and to represent farmers’ voices in value chains and with policy makers.
The agri-agencies support the partner farmer organisations and cooperatives by providing different advisory services and project management related backstopping. The agri-agencies facilitate also South-South and North-South farmer to farmer and farmer organisation to farmer organisation exchanges and twinning arrangements.
The AgriCord secretariat ensures the overall program management, promotes knowledge co-production and sharing amongst the peers across the alliance and different programs.
Disseminating the results achieved, knowledge co-created, best practices identified amongst the partner and stakeholder networks are the core functions of the AgriCord team.