Trias Annual Report 2021

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In this challenging year, Trias continued to support family farmer and non-farmer entrepreneurs worldwide to overcome the difficulties caused by the pandemic. Due to COVID-19, numerous businesses were forced to close, and even when the economy finally fully reopened, the demand for goods and services generally continued to be low because of massive job losses and depletion of savings during lockdown.

Travel restrictions resulted in a loss of sales for entrepreneurs, and made it more difficult for Trias and partners to organise trainings and other events. From a gender perspective, women had a particularly hard time during the pandemic, because they mainly work in the informal sector which is highly dependent on daily cash flows.

There was also an increase in gender-based violence and teenage pregnancies due to school closures, limited travel, and increased stress. In these tough times, our teams and partners continued to stand by family entrepreneurs worldwide. Trias regarded these new challenges as an opportunity to improve service delivery, while expanding our ability to adapt to disruptions.

From Belgium over Africa and Latin America to Southeast Asia, this publication looks back on some examples of the challenges and activities Trias engaged in during 2021.

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